FDI launches VIGIK+®: certified, secure technology

Lancement de VIGIK+® chez FDI

About VIGIK+®…

VIGIK+® is an advanced access control technology designed to securely regulate entry of professionals into common areas of buildings. The system enables building managers to issue temporary authorizations to service providers such as letter carriers, technicians, maintenance workers, police and firemen, to access common areas without requiring the presence of a resident or manager. VIGIK+® ensures access security by limiting the use of credentials to a limited time and to specific time slots, thus preventing unauthorized intrusions.

VIGIK+® can now be integrated to FDI access control solutions for residents, enabling unified entrance management for the entire building. VIGIK+® can be used in contactless media (smartphone via Bluetooth) or with FDI DESFire® credentials.

VIGIK+® chez FDI

FDI obtains VIGIK+® license and certification

Manufacturers wishing to develop VIGIK+® products must obtain a development license and submit their products to strict control by VIGIK certifier. They must acquire a trademark license to market their products under VIGIK trademark. Certification is carried out by LNE – Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais, the only laboratory able to perform the audit.

FDI has obtained development and operating licenses for VIGIK+® technology. This license enables FDI to create access control solutions that comply with the technical and regulatory requirements defined by VIGIK association. Currently, only three manufacturers in France are certified to offer VIGIK+® products.

Find out more about VIGIK association
VIGIK+® : technologie certifiée et sécurisée

The evolution of VIGIK+®: DESfire® technology

FDI has decided to increase the security of resident credentials by integrating DESfire® technology into VIGIK+® access control units.

DESfire® credentials are protected by certificates that prevent anyone from copying them. These DESfire® credentials are much more secure than the previous version of VIGIK, which incorporated MIFARE® Classic technology.

The benefits of integrating VIGIK+® into FDI products

A defined time slot

VIGIK+® technology enables installers and managers to define the access time to their premises. Thanks to this system, they can limit the access time granted to external service providers. This feature ensures that external service providers cannot access premises outside authorized time slots, thus preventing building intrusions.

Diversified media

VIGIK+® technology is flexible, as it can be integrated into a variety of identification credentials. It can be integrated into different types of contactless devices:
– Cell phones via Bluetooth connection,
– Credentials equipped with Desfire® NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.

A limited lifespan

One of the main advantages of VIGIK+® technology is the limited lifespan of access credentials. Each credential is only valid for 48 hours. After this time, the credential must be renewed to continue accessing buildings.
In case of loss or theft, the person who retrieved the badge would no longer be able to access the premises.

Centralized service provider management

All service providers authorized to enter buildings using VIGIK+® technology are listed by VIGIK association.
Service providers are required to sign a charter that binds them to respect the rules governing the use of VIGIK+® system. In the event of non-compliance, the service provider may be removed from VIGIK+® centralized loading system, and will no longer be able to enter buildings with his or her VIGIK+® identification card.

FDI design office involved in VIGIK+® deployment

For the launch of VIGIK+®, the entire Research & Development department worked hand in hand on an ongoing basis. Each FDI engineering division had its own role to play:


FDI Hardware Division had to take into account the entire VIGIK+® environment in order to adapt FDI products to the new certificates used to read credentials. These devices are also used to communicate securely using encrypted communications. Components have been added to the electronic boards to manage encryption.

Embedded software

The engineers created the programs for the electronic cards. They took on a number of challenges, including managing and enabling dialogue between digital safes. Digital safes are electronic fortresses requiring a high level of expertise in embedded software. One is implemented in the control unit, and others in VIGIK+® badges.
To manage VIGIK+® credentials, our engineers have developed a program that enables radio communication between controller and credentials.

Development of web software and mobile apps

FDI engineers integrated VIGIK+® technology into their VisiosoftWeb configuration tool. They have also added several servers to manage certificates and secure VIGIK+® system. FDI’s web & mobile development department also developed the Urmet-Go mobile application, dedicated to VIGIK+®. This application is useful for managers and installers, enabling them to set access parameters and perform pairing via the phone’s Bluetooth connection.

Innovation unit

FDI needed to adapt its existing products to new VIGIK+® technology certifications. FDI’s innovation team has been involved in the study of new electronic components to ensure that they are compatible with VIGIK+® solution.

“Working on VIGIK+® taught me how a new technology works. Also, all FDI departments were working together to bring this product out. This allowed me to exchange and evolve with different FDI departments.”

Filip PETERSSON – Web Developer at FDI