06/17/2024 - Relive QWL week at FDI

FDI is committed to the well-being of its employees

FDI attaches great importance to the well-being and fulfillment of its 180 employees, whether they work in production, design office or support services. As part of Friendly & Committed FDI charter and the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) week, FDI ESC organized workshops dedicated to this theme.

voyage sonore QVT FDI

A sound journey for QWL week

FDI invited Elysia LABARRE to offer employees an immersive sound experience. With her instruments and voice, Elysia created a relaxing atmosphere where FDI employees, lying down with their eyes closed, could enjoy the harmonious, soothing vibrations. Numerous instruments from different countries, such as Tibetan bowls, rain sticks and gongs, were used to create this relaxing atmosphere.

The sound journey aimed to create a sense of lightness, enabling participants to reduce stress, live fully in the present moment and stay grounded thanks to the relaxing atmosphere on offer.

Discover Elysia LABARRE's work

Focus on physical activity and sedentary lifestyles at work during QWL week at FDI

Aware of the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle at work, FDI called on Charles GAIGNON to raise employee awareness of the importance of staying active at work.

After a presentation of the benefits of physical activity and the risks of sedentary jobs, Charles suggested simple routines for FDI employees to integrate into their day, such as getting up every two hours, or spending time standing up. This was an opportunity to introduce a wide range of muscle-strengthening exercises, stretching, and movements to improve joint mobility, which can be practised at FDI as well as at home.

Discover Charles GAIGNON's tips and strategies

A yoga session to improve quality of life at work

During QWL week, FDI employees had the opportunity to take part in a yoga session led by Océane ROME. Focusing solely on their breathing and body, Océane guided employees through an active relaxation session.

The aim was to enable employees to free themselves from daily stress, to improve their well-being and enhance their concentration. This was an opportunity for FDI employees to practice cardiac coherence, with controlled breathing cycles.

Discover the expertise of Océane Rome

Fuelling well-being during QWL week at FDI

FDI invited its employees to take part in a workshop on nutrition and the impact of food on well-being. Lorraine PUAUD, a dietician for over 10 years, led the workshop. Her behavioral approach addressed eating habits, managing food according to emotions and hunger. The aim was to understand how to eat well, without dieting or frustration. She also provided examples of balanced menus.

FDI employees were able to rediscover their senses and better appreciate their meals during a conscious tasting activity. This interactive workshop raised awareness of both positive and negative behaviours.

Discover Lorraine PUAUD's advice

FDI employees try laughter yoga

FDI offered its employees a laughter yoga session, led by Anabelle BELLIARD. This workshop, built around laughter and self-expression, was designed to help employees relieve stress, restore emotional balance and strengthen team cohesion. Laughter stimulates creativity, motivation and releases adrenalin, promoting positive moods. FDI employees were invited to let go, gain self-confidence and learn to better manage their stress and emotions.

Discover Anabelle Belliard's coaching sessions

A hike to mark Quality of Life week at FDI

To round off Quality of Life at Work week, FDI ESC organized a hike in Mortagne-sur-Sèvre for its employees. There were two choices: an 8 km hike, or a 25 km bike ride.

As well as keeping them physically active, the hike enabled FDI employees to switch off for a few hours and enjoy the surrounding countryside.

After the effort, FDI employees enjoyed a convivial meal organized by its ESC, strengthening cohesion within FDI.

A look back at FDI hike during QWL week…