Readers are located in lift cars in traditional lift access control management.
The user calls the lift, walks inside, shows their key/pass and pushes the button for the destination floor. Buttons corresponding to the floors accessible light up after the user has shown their key/pass.
For residents, only the floor their dwelling is located on and the car park floor light up, but for a caretaker, all floors may be accessible.
The iPassan controller as such provides a dry contact per floor and per lift. For example, a building comprising 40 floors and 4 lifts totals 120 iPassan relays to link to the lift controller.
Otis EMS integration is based on the same model as traditional lifts, but here communication between the access control and the lift is based on Modbus TCP/IP.
In the previous example, the 120 iPassan relays are no longer required.
When Kone Cop is integrated, this is performed without any other equipment. The number of floors included in the activation code is per controller. As such, a 200-floor activation card covers the needs of a controller managing 4 lifts over 50 floors.